Tentative Dates for 3 Day Intensive Clinic- Qinna 2
Joint manipulation and throwing clinic - Qinna 2
This clinic is open to all ZMA students age12 and older or with permission. It is not required to attend Qinna 1 to learn Qinna 2, however to test for qinna 2 grading, you must have achieved your qinna 1 grading at least 6 months earlier and meet Qinna class attendance requirements.
Year End "Bounenkai" Party at the Farm
Potluck format. We’ll have a sign up list so that we have a sense of what everyone is bringing and how much to make.
Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey Burn Sweatathon
All students past and present welcome as well as family and friends! Come prepared to sweat, and bring water.
Qinna 1 Review Seminar & Testing
$54 for Seminar. Testing -no fee other than tuition.
Testing begins at 2 PM
Lunch will be 40 minutes. Eat lightly and stay hydrated.
Pre-registration required by Oct. 20th. Students must have completed the 3 day summer clinic in order to test for this round. The next test for qinna 1 will be in the spring next year.
ZMA Closed - Indigenous People's Day
Please make sure to make up your class on an alternate day.
ZMA Pushhands Potluck Party, Barbecue, & Ice Cream Social
This is a free event for all members of the school. We will share directions to the location in Hillsborough. This is in place of classes for the day. We hope all school members will participate and have a great time with us. I will also be inviting several other Taijiquan teachers to join us with their students to participate. It should be lots of fun! Rain or Shine. (Hopefully shine) Indoors if it rains.
Advanced Gu Taijiquan Video Conference Lesson
Advanced Gu Taijiquan Video Conference Lesson
Yuma's 5th Memorial
Yuma’s 5th Memorial -
We are not holding a formal service this year. There will be one next year I think. However, if you wish to pay your respects, please visit Hillside Cemetary throughout the day. I am not certain what time we will be there, but feel welcome to ask me if you want to go when M & I are there. Thank you.